Complaints Shipments
While receiving the consignment from the carrier please always check that it has no signs of damage. In case of a complaint, the Recipient is obliged to make a record of complaint with a representative of the shipping company and notify your sales representative.
Incompatibility of Supply with Invoice
Complaints concerning incompatibility of supply with the invoice or order, please inform directly to your sales representative.
Complaints about the Quality of Products
Complaints can be made within 1 month from the date of purchase of the goods.
Complaints are processed within 1 month.
If it is necessary to obtain an expert opinion, this period may be extended.
To start the complaint procedure, please:
Pack complaining goods carefully with the form and at your own expense please send us. Place on the package given RMA number.
Goods will not be refunded if they have been damaged mechanically.
Toner scattered in the package, should be reported immediately.
The deadline for complaint is the date of the sale of this commodity to the next customer.
Used goods aren’t subject to refunds or complaints.
Complaints and Returns without filling the required fields in the form will not be considered.
If complaint is accepted, a credit note will be issued for the claimed product.
Itone allows justified written returns of new, full-value goods, not covered with tape, contained in the current ITONE offer, reported within 10 days from the date of their purchase, provided that the goods were not purchased on special order. Returns of goods are handled within 15 days.
Admission of return and further issue of correction invoice is filling the Return protocol (same as in complaint) and send back the materials purchased at Itone on the Buyer cost.